
Light Upon Light

Assalamualaikum dear readers.

This chapter did not go the way it was meant to but it turned out really nice! Have fun reading.

#17 The Weird Day

A week had passed since my family came to Ashiana. For the most part Mom was at Dar-e-Rahma, helping out with Sara Di's wedding preparations. I was kind of glad that I didn't have to interact much with her. It's not that I didn't want to talk to her or spend time with her. Every time we do talk we end up arguing over something or the other. She felt like I was excluding her from my life while I thought her continuos questioning was nosey and bothersome.

It was exhausting.

Dad was out a lot too. He had to visit all his old friends, step into the office for a bit and also pay his respects to all our relatives. He made sure to come back home by the time I returned from school. He kept dragging me to visit our relatives when he was told that I didn't see any of them, and I've been here for nearly two months. I barely knew anyone and I forgot the names of those whom I did recognize by their face.

Samir had great fun teasing me every time one of our old khalas or chachis asked Dad when he was getting me married. Each time Dad explained that I was only sixteen I cringed while Samir laughed and, much to my embarrassment recorded my reactions and posted them in the cousins group. Shoaib bhai started asking me what kind of guy I would like and Samar said I had to wait in line because his it was his Di's turn. And Di, she who normally supported me said she didn't mind if I wanted to get married first.

Everyone's teasing and mocking became unbearable and me being the kid that I was went and complained to Dadi.

"It's okay beta… let them talk. Just give them a deaf ear. Your reactions are amusing that's why they keep teasing. You know very well how to be an ice princess," Dadi said with amusement evident in my eyes.

At least she didn't mock me outright.

And so that's what I did.

School was slowly starting to get hectic. Assignments and projects started pouring in. Teachers started keeping class tests and the like. While studying was a welcome distraction, it was hard to focus with all the fun going on at Ashiana. I was secretly glad that Samar had to work just as hard as me. His monthly tests have already begun.

I felt a little bad for Safwan at first. The kid had nobody to hang out with and even his tab and PSP began losing their appeal. He tried to spend time with the older boys but they kept shooing him away. His loneliness did not last long though.

I thought Dad was joking when he said we can get Raziya Phuppi to come down too. But he was not. And Safwan got his pranking partner Marwan to wreck all kinds of havoc. I'm not even exaggerating. The very next day after Phuppi and her kids arrived, I woke up to a bucketful of water being splashed on me. As if that wasn't cruel enough they had drawn all sorts of stuff on my face. Thankfully they had used kajal and not permanent marker.

Dadi's attention was soon wrapped by our youngest cousin Jaad who was only two years old. He was so chubby and cute and adorable!

In short, Ashiana was teeming with people and Samar and I faced the brunt of it.

I was still groggy with sleep as I sat down for breakfast and so was Samar. The monsters had gotten hold of old alarm clocks and set them at so many different times for the night I barely slept. Their giggling faces as I kept nodding off was starting to annoy me. Samar was actually sleeping with his spoon held mid air. It was both funny and irritating.

"Samar! I told you not to stay up late with Samir and Shoaib" Phuppi scolded him causing him to jerk awake.

For once I defended him.

"Not his fault Phuppi... For some reason Safwan and Marwan, the two monsters, have made me and Samar their targets. Alarm clocks all … night long…" I managed to say while stifling a yawn at the same time.

Dadi looked up at that. Her grim silence indicated that she was not happy with what had happened. She had excused the previous pranks. I felt an evil satisfaction knowing that the monsters would get their due when they wake up.

"Sumaiyya, make some strong coffee and serve it to the two of them." She instructed gravely.

Once I drank the black coffee it was much better, only for me to realize that we were late and wouldn't get the bus if we didn't run. Samar had come to the same realization as me.  We shared a look and started running, barely managing to say salaam to Dadi and Phuppi.

"Salaam Dad!" I called out as I whizzed past him.

He often took morning walks in the garden with Chachu or Phuppa.

Samar and I ran like we had dogs after us. We would have missed the bus if Zaid hadn't seen us. I barely managed to hang on to the railing as the bus accelerated. Wheezing, I took a moment to catch my breath only to lose it again because of a certain boy I don't like.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fi-" I stopped mid speech as Samar said "Yeah bro. Thanks for holding the bus."

"No problem," Zaid responded, his gaze barely passing me.

Blushing in mortification, I walked to my seat and plopped down next to Sidra. The morning was not going well for me.

"What happened Juni Di?" She asked kindly.

"Safwan and Marwan happened."

She understood well enough what I meant. After all she has been kind enough to listen to me rant about them these last few days. Azza and Wafa only laughed, even Lia found it funny. So I stopped telling them. Only Sidra was sympathetic.

Judging by the way the day was going I expected Azhar to turn up and annoy me as well. I was wondering just what I did wrong to receive such an annoying fate when I remembered I had missed Fajr. Dropping my things in class, I grabbed my shawl and socks and ran in the direction of the Masjid. So much for praying regularly.

I still had fifteen minutes until class started and I was hoping to make it back before Rahma Ma'am came. Contrary to her name, she had zero mercy in her. I think she got some form of sadistic pleasure by punishing students. If you see kids in Marwa standing outside their class on their knees with their arms held up high, then you can bet on it that it is Rahma Ma'am's class. And she taught the worst subject on the planet, history.

People gave me weird stares as they saw me run like a mad woman. I had too little time to care or tell them off. Hurriedly I took wudu and ran up the staircase. I muttered a silent Alhamdulilah seeing that the door was unlocked. I paused for a moment to calm myself down before I started praying. By the time I was done I had only a few more minutes to get back to class.

With all the running I've probably burned out the breakfast that I had.

Thankfully I reached class just the same time as ma'am. She let me in without any questions. Azza and Wafa knew better now and didn't bother questioning me. Lia was absent.

"Hey!" Haseeb called out.

He was sitting right across me. I cocked an eyebrow up in response. I had gotten away once, I didn't want to be punished for talking in class now.

"What happened?"

"Will tell you later." I managed to whisper as ma'am started calling out the attendance.

And I was the most model student in that class thereafter. The effort it took to just not fall asleep every time that lady droned on in her boring voice was more than just herculean. I had to keep pinching myself to stay awake. Safwan had hell to pay.

It was only after the class was over that I relaxed out of my rigid stance. The things we studnets do to please teachers… I stood up and stretched on my toes and headed out of class. It was raining out there. I stood by the railings with my hands hanging out and Haseeb joined me.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Just dandy."

"Seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," he said.

"Or more like didn't sleep at all," I responded turning to look at him.

He was standing with his side to the railings looking as fresh as morning dew. I was jealous. And he was laughing at my predicament by the time he heard it all. That little jerk.

"You're supposed to sympathize and say 'oh those nasty little monsters!'" I whined, making him laugh even more.

"Yeah right. And then you'd kick me and tell me not to be a sap. I think I kind of enjoy being your friend and not like those other boys you ignore because they fawn all over you."

I scoffed and went back to staring at the incessant rain. Well until I had to go back to class as Sreejith sir came in.

Haseeb was right though. If there is one thing that is similar between my life here and back there in Dubai, it is that I had very few friends. Lesser here in fact than back there in Dubai. The only people I truly considered as friends were Haseeb, Lia and Sidra. It is not because I didn't want to make friends or people didn't try to be friends with me.

For the most part, a lot of the people here were faking it.

Girls wanted to be my friend only because I'm Samar's cousin. They thought I'd mention them to him or he would take notice because they were my friends. And boys, well isn't it obvious what they want… I don't even need to mention how many guys asked me out ever since I stepped foot into Marwa. For some I'm just a game. A lot of them had bets going on amongst themselves. Like I was some thing to be won. It was disgusting.

There are sincere people out there. Of that I'm sure. Sidra's bunch of friends for example, they all are nice girls. But none of them bother talking to me much. Sidra says I intimidate them. I also think the fact that I'm a year older makes a difference. They take the whole senior thing quite seriously here at Marwa.

How friendless I am didn't strike me until it was the first break and I didn't have Lia to walk outside with me as usual. I could tag along with Haseeb but then I'd have to face Zaid as well and that is not a prospect I like. I've been having a shitty day anyway, I didn't want to add in a dose of misery myself.

But I did it anyway.

Actually Haseeb forced me to go with him to meet Samar and see how he's doing. That was an inviting prospect. I'd feel better if he were just as beat up as I was. So the two of us walked to the mango tree that was the undeclared property of the twelfth graders. Thankfully it had stopped raining and the sun had come out. We had to be careful while walking though, mud puddles were scattered around everywhere and Rachna Kaki would have to work her hands sore cleaning out the dirt from our beige pants.

Samar was in an irritable mood. He wasn't talking to anyone and his usual crowd of fans stayed away from him. Only Zaid was next to him.

"What's up with that face bro?" Haseeb asked as I took a seat next to Samar.

"Don't bother asking." Zaid commented.

I took a good look at him. Samar had his head clutched in his hands and his face all scrunched up like he was struggling to keep a hold of himself. He wasn't okay.

"Samar, you okay?"  I asked.

He finally looked up. There were dark circles under his eyes and he desperately needed sleep.

"Do I look okay?" He snapped at me.

I raised my hands up in defense. Here I was all concerned and the idiot was being offensive for no reason. I could understand being sleep deprived and all, but why take it out on someone who had nothing to do with it…

"Woah… Okay. No need to bite, I'm just asking. It is not like I've been having a great day."

Samar sighed and covered his face up with his hands.

"He slept during Sai sir's class today and got told off for not writing the test. And I think he's got a migraine."

To say I was surprised would be understatement of the year. Zaid of all people was explaining the situation to me and that too quite willingly. When I looked up he had his eyes trained on Samar. It took me a moment to regain my composure and realize that he said Samar had a migraine.

"Migraine? I never knew you had those," I addressed Samar.

"Yeah. I get them sometimes. Nothing too serious. I usually carry some medicine in my bag, but it's not there today." He said.

I hit him with a stick I found nearby.

"Ow! As if I'm not in enough pain already!" He cried out clutching his arm.

Haseeb was laughing out loud and even Zaid was chuckling. I would have been mesmerized by the latter if I didn't have an idiot cousin to tend to.

"Oh I am just itching to hit you more. What is it with you and your pride Samar? Just go home already!" I exclaimed.

"He won't listen," Zaid said.

"Why don't we take him to the medical room then, they'll have some medicines and he can rest right?" Haseeb asked.

"That room has a weird smell. It only makes me feel worse. And as for going home, both Abba and Maamu would be at work and they'd have to drive out of their way to get here. And since Di doesn't drive she can't come get me either." Samar said.

I hit him again. That stupid blockhead.

"What now?" Samar asked groaning.

I guess I used a little more force than I intended to.

"You forgot that my Dad is here you nitwit! He can get you home."

"Oh yeah…"

Sighing I got up and dusted myself off. Before I could speak the bell rang. Wonderful ain't it.

"Today is so not my day," I muttered to myself.

Students started running back to their classes while the four of us stood still amongst them. I knew Haseeb was holding himself still while all he wanted to do was get back to class in time. Zaid would stick by Samar and so would I.

"Haseeb get to class, tell Saira ma'am Samar is not feeling well and I'm with him," I turned to address Zaid when Haseeb stopped me.

"Who gave you the control rights here?" He demanded.

"I just took it. Now go before both of us get punished for loitering in the grounds." I said exasperation lacing my voice.

After a moment of reluctance he left with the last few stragglers. That left Samar, Zaid and I standing in the grounds. Samar had managed to stand up by then.

"Help me take him to the reception will you?" I asked Zaid.

He barely looked my way as he nodded.

So the three of us marched across the grounds to the reception area. It was sheer luck that we hadn't been interrupted by anyone. None of the teacher's were out yet and last I saw the peon was by the headmaster's office. Samar was protesting, asking Zaid to go back to class and me to let him be. Both of us gave him a deaf ear.

Zaid pushed Samar into a seat and followed me to the front desk. Together we explained the situation quickly and I was allowed to call home.

Phuppi answered the phone. She was quite calm as I explained everything to her. After listening to me she said that Dad was home. Thank goodness for that. She said he'd be here in half an hour. If Mom was home then Samar need not go to the doctor either.

There was half an hour's worth of waiting period and I didn't know what to do. On one hand there was my cousin who was going through severe pain and then there was his friend who had an inclination to ignore me and damage my self respect. It's going to be a long half of an hour.

Zaid and I sat on either side of Samar. There was a part of me hoping in vain for Zaid to strike a conversation with me. I decided I might as well take a power nap. So I tipped my head back and stretched my legs out. I had hardly closed my eyes for ten minutes when he did speak.

"You should go back to class. No need to waste time here."

I sat up straight and looked over to find him staring at the floor. Even when he was addressing me he couldn't look at me. Can this boy get any more infuriating?

"Last time I checked Samar is my cousin and it is my Dad who is coming to get him. You're the one wasting time here," I snapped.

He looked up then. Our gazes met for a few seconds and then he looked away.

I cannot begin to explain how I felt in those last few seconds. Nothing much happened and yet it meant the world to me. I have been craving some form of acknowledgement from this idiot for some time now. That he looked at me for even a few seconds gave me immense relief. He does know I exist then.

It was so stupid and yet I adored it.

I wanted to cringe and smile simultaneously.

"I have PT right now." He stated, breaking my reverie.

"I have English. Same difference,"

The hint of a smile on his face beautiful. Did I ever mention he's handsome?

"Alright you two, either you both stay and shut up or you both go away. You're not helping at all with the racket you're creating!" Samar said.

We both started laughing. I have no idea what was so funny but I couldn't stop laughing. This whole day has been so ridiculous that laughing felt like it was the best thing to do. That Zaid was laughing with me I did not even notice until I paused to catch my breath.

I'm definitely having one of the weirdest days of my life.

"Now you're definitely not helping. Scoot you two!" Samar ranted.

"Okay okay… We'll keep quiet." I managed to trail off.

And then I did stay true to my promise. Soon Dad came. He looked grave and serious. I felt like laughing again.

"Relax Dad, no one's dying." I said after greeting him.

"Juni not the time to joke. Do you want to come back home too?" He asked as Samar stood up to leave with him.

"Nah. I'm fine. Maybe I'll sleep during Geography period," I joked earning a smile from him.

"Assalamualaikum Javed Kaka." Zaid greeted.

"Wa alaikumasalaam. You must be Zaid. Thank you beta for helping out." Dad said giving him a once over.

"It was nothing. Kaka you'll have to complete the formalities before you go," Zaid said.

Dad nodded and went to the receptionist. After talking to her for a bit and then Samar's class teacher who had been called down. And then they left.  Rayees Sir asked the two of us to head back to class. Zaid walked a few steps behind me all the way to my class. If I didn't know that he needed to go up the staircase next to my class I would think he was following me.

Saira ma'am let me in and asked after Samar. After reassuring her I took my seat. Haseeb passed me his notes. When I was halfway done copying down, the bell rang. The rest of the day was pretty much uneventful in comparison.

When we got down at our stop Zaid walked behind Sidra and me. By then the exhaustion had crept up on me and I had to push myself forward one step at a time. I had murderous thoughts in mind for Safwan and Marwan. Just wait till I am well rested...

As soon as we reached the gates of Ashiana, I bid Sidra salaam and walked inside. Usually we waited up for Samar and Zaid to catch up with us and then part our different ways. Samar wasn't there and Zaid was not far behind us so I left. Surprising me Zaid told Sidra to get a move on and that he'll come in a few minutes after meeting Samar

If I were not so tired I would have watched every single move of mine and also be aware of his movements behind me. Since I was tired to death all I wanted to do was take a shower, pray and sleep. Once I reached back home I headed straight for my room after greeting whomever I saw on my way. Nobody bothered questioning me knowing how fully well I must be feeling.

So I took my shower and skipped prayer because I had gotten my period on top of everything. I'd have a wonderful bout of cramps soon. Before they caught up to me, I went into deep sleep.

It was about time I conked out.

So ... How do you think it went?

Stay tuned for the next chapter..


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