
Irresistibly In Love

"Rehan, everything is done. Do you need anything else?" Rida asked him while he thought for sometime and shook his head.

"No. JazakAllahu Khairan khair everyone for your help. I wouldn't have made it on time alone with this idiot who was almost dreaming most of the time." Rehan said glaring at Saif who grinned at him.

"Wa iyyaki Rehan. And we wouldn't have left you alone with him." Safa said eyeing Saif while he raised his eyebrow at her.

"Does that mean you don't trust me?" He asked looking at her in a challenging way.

"Of course not." Safa said making them chuckle and Saif groan.

"You wait." He said smirking at Safa, making her look curiously at him.

"Okay, now we better leave otherwise Rehan bhai will have to suffer." Faiz said getting up from his seat and everyone nodded their head.

"Yeah let me take the bag." Saif said and took the bag with him while Faiz, Safa and Rida followed him.

"Rida." Rehan pulled Rida slowly by her arm while she looked at him confused.

"Yeah?" She asked making a distance between them.

"I'll miss you." He said suddenly giving her one of his charming smile while Rida felt her heart beating rapidly.

"I know you'll miss me." She said gulping the lump, trying not to cry.

"I did not expect that." He said rolling his eyes at her while she smiled at him a sad smile.

"Let's go before they think something." Rehan said and started walking while a tear escaped Rida's eyes while she was quick enough to wipe it off.

"Rehan?" She called out not turning around to show him her face.

He turned around to face her back waiting for her to say something. Rida slowly turned with a smile on her face.

"I'll miss you too." She said and he looked at her for a moment and then smiled at her.

She was genuinely feeling sad, that Rehan was leaving. This few days she had actually gotten used to him. She had actually started trusting her and now when he was leaving she could see their friendship parting to, because long distant friendship never lasted long. Even though she had made herself strong there was a small piece of here heart, that felt as if it breaking more. More than it was broken.

"Now lets go." Rida said trying to be cheerful and pulling onto his hand.

"Where were you both?" Safa asked eyeing them curiously and she did notice Rida's face.

"We were talking about something." Rehan said quickly and walked to Saif who was busy typing something on his cell.

"Rida?" Safa called to her while she smiled brightly at her.

"Yeah?" She asked looking at Safa and Safa tried very hard to get to know about her real emotions.

"Are you okay?" She asked Rida and she looked at her confused with a smile.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Rida asked and Safa smiled at her.

"Let's go girls." Faiz yelled gaining their attention.

"Coming." Rida yelled and walked away while Safa following her.

The drive till airport was a silent one. Everyone were lost in their own thoughts.

"Finally." Faiz yelled bringing them out of their thoughts. Rehan looked ahead of him and got down while Rida, Safa and Faiz got down, while Saif went to park the car.

"So the flight is on time." Saif said walking towards them looking at his phone not meeting Rehan's gaze.

"Take care of yourself and Bhabhi." Rehan said to said hugging him while Saif hugged him back.

"I will." He said smiling at him.

"And do not hurt her." He said and Saif laughed shaking his head.

"Insha Allah won't ever." He said and Rehan smiled and walked to Faiz.

"I'll miss you man. Be back soon." Faiz said engulfing Rehan and he patted his back.

"I'll miss you too. Don't trouble anyone much." Rehan said and Faiz grinned nodding his head.

"I'll try." Faiz said and Rehan shook his head and turned to Rida who was looking at Rehan.

"Take care." He said the only thing he could say.

"You too." She whispered and he turned away to leave not waiting for long.

"See y'all soon." He said and walked away but his phone beeped instant.

Be safe and be back soon. -Rida

He turned to Rida to see her smiling at him and he smiled back at her and nodded his head making her smile more.

He walked inside turning every time he took a step till he took a turn and couldn't see anyone.

"Let's leave, shall we?" Faiz asked and everyone nodded their head.

They walked towards the parking lot without a word. Everyone settled inside the car. Saif started the car and drove to Faiz's house to drop him first and then Rida.

"Assalamualaikum." Rida said and walked away and a heavy silence fell upon them.

"You are gonna miss Rehan right?" Safa asked looking at Saif who hadn't said a word.

"He was always there with me. I cannot imagine my life without him." He said looking at Safa and she smiled at their bond.

"He will be back soon, Insha Allah." She said keeping her hand on his hand while he smiled.

"How about you stay at our place today?" Saif asked smiling nervously at her and she raised her eyebrow at him.

"Mom wouldn't allow." She said and he sulked.

"We are married." He stated and she giggled.

"Should have thought before talking about divorce." She said sticking at her tongue out.

"When is Aman coming back?" Saif asked and Safa thought for a few minutes.

"Maybe 15 days." She said and he looked at her horrified.

"Are you serious!? 15 more days?" He asked and she nodded.

"Not just 15, after he comes mom will start preparing so more 30 days." She said and Saif put the brakes.

"Are you kidding me? I cannot stay for 30 days. I'll talk to mom." Saif said and Safa laughed at his impatient behaviour.

"You are such a kid." she said and pulled his cheeks making him wince.

"Your kid." He said winking at her and she shook her head at his cheesiness.

"Saif, did you seriously tell Aliya that she is beautiful?" She asked the question she wanted to ask from so many days.

She knew even if he said something like that he wouldn't mean it in a way that made Aliya feel that he liked her.

"Who?" He asked frowning making Safa to look at her.

"Aliya." She said looking at his expression that changed from frowning to realisation.

"Oh Aliya. I never said that." He said shaking his head and she sighed in relief.

"Why? Are you jealous?" He asked smirking at her and she smiled sweetly at him.

"No, I'm not jealous. It's just that she likes you." She said and he looked at her and back to the road.

"Okay." He replied making her angry.

"Okay? You are okay with it? Fine even I'm okay." She said and he couldn't help but smile at her jealous behaviour.

"Now why are you angry?" He asked her looking at her huffed figure.

"I'm not angry." She said not glancing his way and he smiled.

"I hope you know that I love you and if someone likes me that doesn't mean I like them too." He said and a small smile made its way to her face.

"But what if you start liking them?" She asked eyeing him and he thought of playing with her.

"If I start liking them, then you are free from me. And it isn't a big deal because you don't love me too." He said with his lips in a thin line and she looked at him for a few seconds before turning away from him.

They reached home without anyone speaking anything further. Safa quietly got down feeling low after hearing him.

"Assalamualaikum." She whispered not looking at him.

She started walking when Saif called out to her. She turned around to find him walking towards her.

"Don't worry Darling, I love you only and I'll miss you." He said and kissed her forehead making her smile.

She wanted to reciprocate but she didn't instead she hugged him making him smile.

"Bye Darling." He said and walked away while Safa stood there grinning to her self.

"I love you too." She whispered after he drive off.


"Mom did you talk to everyone and Saif?" Aliya asked her mom who tried her best to avoid her daughter's question.

"What talk?" Aliya's father asked walking in the room, giving her a curious look.

"Mom, I'm asking you something and you didn't tell dad?" She asked and her mother continued reading the magazine ignoring her questions to the most.

"What's going on Aliya?" He asked taking a seat besides his wife.

"Dad I love Saif." She said bowing her head down keeping her gaze down while he looked at her shocked trying to understand his daughter's words.

He turned towards his wife who nodded her head with a sad expression on her face.

"You cannot marry him." He said sternly and she looked shocked for he had never refused her anything and this was about her future.

"But why?" She asked angry that her dad refused to give her something she loved.

"Just because I said so." He said calmly not wanting to yell at his daughter.

"I love him. He loves me. What's the problem?" She asked raising her voice and her mom gave her a glare that told her to lower her voice or she would regret it.

"He don't love you." Her mom said and she raised her eyebrow with fire burning in her eyes.

"He loves me." She said confidently and her parents walked to her.

"He don't love you beta. He loves Safa." The moment those words left her father's mouth she couldn't control her anger.

"HE LOVES ME. HE DON'T LOVE SAFA." She yelled nor wanting to accept the reality and before she could realise her mom had slapped her. Hard. For the first time.

"You cannot just talk rubbish. He loves Safa and they are getting married." She said and Aliya looked horrified grasping the information.

"They are getting married?" She whispered and her mother nodded her head with a tear running down her eyes for her daughter.

"Yes beta. He was there for Safa. He don't love you." She said and took her daughter in her embrace while her father looked at her.

"That cannot happen." She whispered to herself and got up, her face heating up in anger.

"He cannot just marry her. He is mine. I love him." She said and left from there while her parents looked at her shocked.

"Aliya, wait." They ran behind her to only see Saqib in the living room.

"Saqib where is Aliya?" His father asked and he took the car keys from the table and said,

"I heard everything I'm going behind her." He said and left while their mother couldn't help but pray for her daughter.

Ya Allah don't let her do something that harms anyone.


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovely readers!

Rehan left:'(

A filler chapter before something;)

Okay so I have decided to write a sequel for this book too and the characters are still in suspense;)

I'll Let you'll know about the name of the book very soon Insha Allah.

Tell me your views and do tell me my mistakes.

Till next time,
Stay blessed!
Keep smiling!

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